To hear. Chopin Elements in Polish Posters
Among many works inspired by the life and work of Fryderyk Chopin, embracing nearly all fields of art, posters deserve greater attention. They create the “picture of music”, without losing intense emotions of sounds, in the most appealing and encompassing way.
Music is believed to be the most untamed form of art, it inspires and finds its reflection in other dimensions, like in Poster Art. Depending on the occasion, piece and also the sensitivity of the graphic designer, color or black and white works are created, pulsing with richness of moods and symbols. From these fascinations emerge works translating the magical world of sounds to the language binding in the world of visual experience.
The exhibition serves the purpose of promoting Polish culture, combining the works of the Polish School of Posters and young graphic designers, in terms of posters inspired by the life and work of Fryderyk Chopin – connected with concerts and Chopin competitions, and anniversaries of his birth and death. Therefore, this will be an exhibition displaying the outstanding accomplishments of Polish Posters, which are an important part of an international cultural heritage. This exposition, presenting select poster sets, containing works by masters of the genre and projects of younger poster graphic designers, will become a common ground for dialogue between the sensitive nature of masters of the Polish School of Posters and the young generation of artists. This exhibition in such a prestigious place as the 1+1 Art Centre in Beijing is the best promotion of Polish poster art inspired by the life and work of the famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
Poster collection courtesy of the Mazovia Institute of Culture, organizational unit of the regional government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.