
Knife in the Water

Information about film

Director: Roman Polański
Country/year: Poland 1961
Duration: 107’
Date: 14.10.2106
Place: China Film Archive

Film description:

Roman Polanski’s feature debut was at once the first Polish title to be nominated for an Oscar in best foreign film. Not surprisingly, although it was made behind the iron curtain, thus in artistic isolation, the director knew the conventions of the psychological thriller, and used a new means of narration, comparable to that of the French New Wave. In this intimate story of a bizarre triangle – a bored marriage that offers a young hitchhiker their company on a boat trip – already many motives typical for Polanski’s later Hollywood works are visible. On deck the sailboat, where most of the action takes place, tension arises based on differences in the social status, as the men begin a dangerous game, in which at stake is winning the recognition of a woman.

About the director:

A world famous director born in 1933, winner of many prestigious awards. Polanski’s unique style makes all his films incredibly consistent. For decades they take up the same subjects and ask similar questions, alway searching for an answer in a slightly different way. Polanski is troubled by man in general – he is fascinated by the work of memory, the drive for revenge, cruelty, erotism or being caught up in conventionalities. His characters are often lonely, lost or have an intriguing secret. The director looks at tensions in human relations. He places his characters in closed spaces in order to look at their workings with razor-like precision.

Most important films:

  • 1966 “Repulsion”
  • 1968 “Rosemary’s Baby”
  • 1974 “Chinatown”
  • 2002 “The Pianist”
  • 2011 “Carnage”

By Agnieszka Mysiak based on www.culture.pl